150 Olde Greenwich Dr., Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 371-2704 | (800) 684-6423 mhafred@mhafred.org

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Two articles about MHAfred, reported by Cathy Dyson in the Freelance Star, October 5, 2021

From the Article: Mental health providers can’t meet growing demand for services

When he reached the MHAfred HelpLine, the young man he spoke with calmly said, “Sir, I’m here to help you, and we’re going to find somebody for you.” OShields, who felt like he was at the end of his rope, found himself being “talked off the ledge,” just as he had done to others during his law enforcement career.


Are you searching for a mental health provider? 
Click here to reach MHAfred’s HelpLine.


From the Article: Fredericksburg-area program keeps seniors connected

“We have gotten to the point that maybe we have undervalued that human connection and if COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that we need that connection, all of us, especially our seniors,” said Laurie Black, who coordinates Senior Visitors locally. “We need that human connection and someone to share our stories with, someone who cares and someone is there just for you.”


Click here to volunteer or obtain more information about Senior Visitors.


Mental Health America of Fredericksburg supports mental wellness across our community.

Since 1955, we have identified gaps in the delivery of mental health services and created unique programs to meet those needs. Besides the programs reported above – Senior Visitors & HelpLine – we currently offer Suicide Prevention Education for Teens and Support Groups.



If we can help you, or if you have questions, suggestions, or comments, please contact us.