150 Olde Greenwich Dr., Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 371-2704 | (800) 684-6423 mhafred@mhafred.org

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Join MHAfred as we share community resources and celebrate together.

First Senior Expo for TRIAD

Marshall Center 8800 Courthouse Rd, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA, United States

Sponsored by the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Department, Stafford County Sheriff Office and Fredericksburg Police Department.


Opioid Work Group Meeting – Virtual

Online - Zoom 6806 Paragon Place, Suite 250, Richmond, Virginia

Mental Health America Fredericksburg Region (MHAfred) is a member of the local Opioid Work Group, which RACSB Prevention Services coordinates. Other community members are welcome to join this workgroup. Please […]

MHAfred’s Monthly Board Meeting

150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

MHAfred’s Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month for 11 months of the year. We’re excited to announce that our April meeting will be held in […]

MHAfred Monthly Board Meeting

MHAfred’s Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month for 11 months each year. The May meeting will be conducted online.

MHAfred Monthly Board Meeting

150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

MHAfred’s Board of Directors usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month for 11 months each year.

MHAfred’s Monthly Board Meeting

150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

MHAfred’s Board of Directors usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month for 11 months each year. We’re excited to announce that our August meeting will be held in person […]

MHAfred Monthly Board Meeting

150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

MHAfred Monthly Board Meeting

MHAfred’s Monthly Board Meeting

150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

MHAfred’s Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month

MHAfred’s Monthly Board Meeting

150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 150 Olde Greenwich Drive; Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

MHAfred’s Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month