Monthly Senior Visitors Volunteer Meeting
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Join Healthy Generations for the Electric Slide on September 14, 2024, for a leisurely stroll or a morning power walk through downtown Fredericksburg.
A free webinar by Mental Health America about the power of youth peer support. This webinar will give you valuable insights on the benefits of peer support.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Jake Lawery Annual Stop Suicide Event is hosted yearly to share resources, information, and hope. Donations benefit MHAfred's suicide prevention services.
Join MHAfred to Break the Silence for Suicide Prevention at the 2nd Annual Downtown Disco
Join Mental Health America of Fredericksburg at 34th Annual Bowling Green Harvest Festival on October 19th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Join Dr. Fredrica Brooks-Davis for a live book discussion about Bebe Moore Campbell’s, "72 Hour Hold". Hosted by Mental Health America.
Youth in rural areas face a unique set of challenges when it comes to their mental health. Join MHA to discuss unique factors that impact youth mental health in rural areas
The Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises.
Together for Fredericksburg is hosting a Halloween Spectacular & COSTUME CONTEST on October 29, 2024! Prizes for BEST INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP COSTUMES!
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2024 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
MHAfred wishes everyone a new year filled with Mental Wellness.
Please join MHAfred staff at Virginia Health Care Foundation's next Mental Health Roundtable on Tuesday, January 28, from 11 am – to 1 pm via Zoom. Topics include: Mental health-related legislation and line items from the Governor’s proposed budget, a presentation from Dr. Adrienne Wood from UVA’s Emotion and Behavior Lab on the causes and […]
February is Black History Month. Join MHAfred as we share community resources and celebrate together.
Love and mental health are in the air! February is Heart Health Month! Did you know that depression can have an impact on your heart health?
The Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce presents the 4th Annual Intern Expo at the Fredericksburg Convention Center.
Come out and enjoy a night of jazz with Hillcrest UMC for a cause! All proceeds benefit local nonprofits.
Finance Committee meets monthly on each Thursday before a scheduled board meeting
MHAfred is excited to attend the Youth First Conference! Would you like to join us? Click here to learn more about getting tickets today!
MHAfred’s Board of Directors usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month
The MHAfred Office will be closed on February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.
Sponsored by the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Department, Stafford County Sheriff Office and Fredericksburg Police Department.
Be the one behind the wheel in your own recovery.
MHAfred is a member of the local Suicide Prevention Coalition, which meets monthly. All interested community members are welcome to attend. Don't hesitate to contact MHAfred or RACSB Prevention Services for more information or an invitation to participate in this community meeting at our next meeting on Feb. 24, 2025, at 1 p.m.
Mental Health America Fredericksburg Region (MHAfred) is a member of the local Opioid Work Group, which RACSB Prevention Services coordinates. Other community members are welcome to join this workgroup. Please get in touch with either MHAfred or RACSB Prevention Services for more information.
Be the one behind the wheel in your own recovery.
Be the one behind the wheel in your own recovery.
Learn more about how the brain works with Mental Health America!
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2025 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Finance Committee for the Board of Directors meets monthly
Finance Committee meets monthly
Getting quality sleep is an essential part of maintaining your mental health. Learn more about the mental health benefits from Mental Health America today!
Calling all MHAfred volunteers! Our Senior Visitors volunteers are meeting every month in 2025 to discuss how we can make an impact in our community.
Be the one behind the wheel in your own recovery.
MHAfred HELPLINE is excited to present to the Universal Unitarian Fellowship about our organization's programs. We thank them for their support in helping us to provide our services to the community. They have invited us to speak with them about these services.
Being LGBTQ+ isn’t a mental illness. However, many LGBTQ+ people experience mental health struggles linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights.
There are many reasons why people decide to drink and use drugs. But the increasing use of drugs and drinking can come with serious risk and devastating consequences. Substance use disorder affects an estimated 25 million Americans. In terms of people who are affected indirectly such as families of people with a substance use disorder […]
An all-day event that connects individuals and families to free community resources and vital health services in the Fredericksburg area
Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month for 11 months each year
Improve Access to Mental Health Services
Be the one behind the wheel in your own recovery.
Improve Access to Mental Health Services
Be the one behind the wheel in your own recovery.
Today marks World Bipolar Day.